Anaplasmosis, Botulism, Myths, Slaughtering Veterinarian, Mitos, Penyembelihan, VeterinarAbstract
Slaughtering in Islam is a prerequisite to ensure that edible animals have halal status for consumption. In addition, the quality of animal health should also be a priority. In most discussions, the health aspects of slaughter animals seem to be rarely emphasised. On the other hand, the importance is more on the aspect of the slaughter method alone. This view unwittingly triggers the thought that only by slaughtering, all diseases from animals will disappear. At the same time, the views of veterinary experts seem to be ignored. This confusion of thinking, among other things, stems from the emphasis on content alone without integrating it with understanding in terms of procedural. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse between myths and facts in slaughtering. This qualitative structured study uses the method of document analysis and interviews with veterinary experts to obtain research data. The selection of experts is based on the purposive sampling method. The study data will then be analysed through content analysis. The findings of the study show that any slaughtering should be screened beforehand such that animals exposed to botulism, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) can be avoided.
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