Melandai Lengkuk Islamofobia Menerusi Nilai-Nilai Tasamuh Dalam Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam

[Rectifying The Curve of Islamophobia Through The Values Of Tasamuh In Islamic Criminal Law]


  • ZUL-KIFLI HUSSIN Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS)
  • SHAZALMI SAAD Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS)


Istitab, Istitar, Humanity, Kindness, Tasamuh, Tazkiyyah al-syuhud


Islam is called by Allah SWT as the true religion by His side and as a way of life. It means that Islam is the best religion in which it covers the question of worship up to the question of crime.  Islamophobia, a syndrome that is hostile to religion and believers for no reason needs to be overcome through the disclosure of the value of tasamuh, especially in Islamic criminal law.  Unfortunately, the intensity of the existing Islamophobia syndrome is intensifying and also reinforced by the way of religious delivery is non-holistic as well as the failure to relate it to the values of tolerance. In order to overcome, this article intends to identify the values of tolerance contained in Islamic criminal law. This exploratory qualitative study make full use of secondary data from classical and contemporary literature and the data is subsequently analyzed by content analysis.  Finally, this article concludes that criminal law is full of the values of tolerance. Among them is that the witness must not be a witness on the testimony of another; witnesses need to be filtered with a mechanism called tazkiyah al-syuhud; wajib istitar (hide ignominy) and istitab (ask for the offender to repent); and throughout the history of Islamic civilization, no one has ever been punished with testimony because of the existence of quality demand and a very high quantity of testimony. All of this can open a new contemplation towards the image of Islamic criminal law in particular.

Islam disebut oleh Allah SWT sebagai agama yang benar di sisi-Nya dan sebagai suatu cara hidup. Ia membawa maksud bahawa agama Islam adalah agama terbaik yang di dalamnya terkandung ajaran-ajaran yang merangkumi persoalan ibadah sehinggalah kepada persoalan jenayah. Malangnya, bahang sindrom Islamofobia sedia ada semakin marak dan turut dikukuhkan lagi dengan kaedah penyampaian yang tidak holistik serta kegagalan menghubungkaitkan dengan nilai-nilai tasamuh. Untuk tujuan itu, artikel ini berhasrat mengenal pasti nilai-nilai tasamuh yang terkandung di dalam undang-undang jenayah Islam. Kajian berekabentuk kualitatif exploratori ini menggunakan sepenuhnya data sekunder berupa literatur klasik dan kontemporari dan data seterusnya dianalisis secara analisis kandungan. Akhir sekali, artikel ini merumuskan bahawa undang-undang jenayah penuh dengan nilai-nilai tasamuh. Antaranya ialah saksi mestilah bukan saksi di atas persaksian orang lain; para saksi perlu disaring dengan satu mekanisme yang dinamakan tazkiyah al-syuhud; wajib istitar (menyembunyikan aib) dan istitab (minta pesalah bertaubat); dan sepanjang sejarah peradaban Islam, belum pernah seseorang pun dihukum dengan persaksian kerana wujudnya tuntutan kualiti dan kuantiti kesaksian yang sangat tinggi. Semua ini dapat membuka tasawur baharu terhadap imej undang-undang jenayah Islam khususnya.


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How to Cite

HUSSIN, Z.-K. ., & SAAD, S. . . (2021). Melandai Lengkuk Islamofobia Menerusi Nilai-Nilai Tasamuh Dalam Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam: [Rectifying The Curve of Islamophobia Through The Values Of Tasamuh In Islamic Criminal Law] . KQT EJurnal, 1(2), 92–101. Retrieved from




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