KQT eJurnal https://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs <p><strong> International Journal of Al-Quran and Knowledge </strong>is a biannual, trilingual (Malay, English, and Arabic), peer-reviewed journal published by KQT Press (Penerbit KQT) that aims to promote the study of the Qurʾān and the Sunnah from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. <strong>IJQK </strong>publishes original research based article, concept paper, review paper, case study, in the area of Quran and Sunnah studies that relates directly or indirectly to all fields of natural, technological, social and human sciences.</p> Kolej al-Quran Terengganu en-US KQT eJurnal 2785-8065 METODOLOGI PENDALILAN TERHADAP FATWA PENSABITAN NASAB ANAK TAK SAH TARAF DI MALAYSIA: ANALISIS PENAMAAN KEPADA BAPA BIOLOGI https://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/90 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Isu pensabitan nasab anak tak sah taraf atau akronimnya dikenali sebagai ATST sering diperdebatkan di Malaysia. Terdapat dua keputusan fatwa tentang pensabitan nasab ATST ini yang terdiri daripada pandangan majoriti dan pandangan minoriti. Pandangan pertama adalah Fatwa Kebangsaan yang merupakan pendapat jumhur dan disokong oleh beberapa negeri di Malaysia iaitu menasabkan ATST dengan nama Abdullah. Adapun pandangan kedua iaitu Fatwa Negeri Perlis berpendapat bahawa harus menasabkan ATST kepada bapa biologinya. Sehubungan dengan itu, artikel ini dihasilkan bertujuan untuk melihat kembali penghujahan fatwa yang dibawa oleh negeri Perlis dari sudut metodologi pendalilannya terhadap fatwa pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologi. Ia penting untuk mengenal pasti metodologi pendalilan yang digunakan dalam pengeluaran fatwa tersebut dan mencari punca perselisihan dengan Fatwa Kebangsaan. Falsafah di sebalik kajian ini adalah interpretif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam mengadaptasi reka bentuk kajian. Manakala kaedah pengumpulan dan analisis data dalam kajian ini adalah dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan dokumen. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan asas metodologi pendalilan terhadap fatwa pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologinya adalah berpaksikan kepada empat sumber asas daripada al-Sunnah iaitu, HR Bukhari (no: 2745) tentang kisah Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas, HR Bukhari (no: 3252) daripada Amru bin Syu’aib, HR Abi Daud (no: 2272) daripada Zayd ibnu Arqam dan HR Bukhari (no: 6508) tentang kisah pertuduhan zina ke atas Juraij. Kesemua dalil ini disokong dan dihuraikan oleh ulama-ulama hadis tentang kesahan dalam pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologinya. Namun begitu, kajian ini mencadangkan agar pentarjihan fuqaha dilakukan dalam penilaian semula terhadap kesemua dalil yang menjadi asas kepada fatwa pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The issue of the conviction of the lineage of illegitimate children, abbreviated as ATST (</em>Anak Tak Sah Taraf<em>), is frequently debated in </em>Malaysia<em>. There are two fatwa decisions on the conviction of this ATST lineage: the majority view and the minority view. The first point of view is the National Fatwa, which is a popular opinion, and is supported by several Malaysian states, and which refers to ATST as Abdullah. In terms of the second point of view, the Perlis State Fatwa believes that ATST should be assigned to the biological father. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to look back at the fatwa argument presented by the state of Perlis from the standpoint of its evidence methodology against the ATST lineage conviction fatwa to the biological father. It is critical to identify the evidence methodology used in the fatwa’s issuance and the source of disagreement with the National Fatwa. </em><em>The study’s philosophy is interpretive, as evidenced by the use of a qualitative approach in adapting the study design.</em> <em>Meanwhile, the document content analysis method is used in this study for data collection and analysis.</em> <em>The results of the findings show that the basis of the evidence methodology for the fatwa of the conviction of ATST’s lineage to the biological father is based on four basic sources from al-Sunnah, namely, HR </em>Bukhari<em> (no: 2745) about the story of </em>Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas<em>, HR </em>Bukhari<em> (no: 3252) from </em>Amru bin Syu’aib<em>, HR </em>Abi Daud<em> (no: 2272) from </em>Zayd ibn Arqam<em> and HR </em>Bukhari<em> (no: 6508) about the story of the accusation of adultery against </em>Juraij<em>.</em> <em>All of these arguments are supported and explained by hadith scholars regarding the validity of the ATST lineage conviction to the biological father.</em> <em>Nonetheless, this study suggests that the jurists' conclusions be carried out in re-evaluating all of the evidences that form the basis of the ATST lineage conviction to the biological father.</em></p> MUHAMMAD MUSTAQIM ROSLAN Copyright (c) 2024 MUHAMMAD MUSTAQIM ROSLAN 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 1 19