KQT eJurnal http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs <p><strong> International Journal of Al-Quran and Knowledge </strong>is a biannual, trilingual (Malay, English, and Arabic), peer-reviewed journal published by KQT Press (Penerbit KQT) that aims to promote the study of the Qurʾān and the Sunnah from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. <strong>IJQK </strong>publishes original research based article, concept paper, review paper, case study, in the area of Quran and Sunnah studies that relates directly or indirectly to all fields of natural, technological, social and human sciences.</p> en-US Sun, 01 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 METODOLOGI PENDALILAN TERHADAP FATWA PENSABITAN NASAB ANAK TAK SAH TARAF DI MALAYSIA: ANALISIS PENAMAAN KEPADA BAPA BIOLOGI http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/90 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Isu pensabitan nasab anak tak sah taraf atau akronimnya dikenali sebagai ATST sering diperdebatkan di Malaysia. Terdapat dua keputusan fatwa tentang pensabitan nasab ATST ini yang terdiri daripada pandangan majoriti dan pandangan minoriti. Pandangan pertama adalah Fatwa Kebangsaan yang merupakan pendapat jumhur dan disokong oleh beberapa negeri di Malaysia iaitu menasabkan ATST dengan nama Abdullah. Adapun pandangan kedua iaitu Fatwa Negeri Perlis berpendapat bahawa harus menasabkan ATST kepada bapa biologinya. Sehubungan dengan itu, artikel ini dihasilkan bertujuan untuk melihat kembali penghujahan fatwa yang dibawa oleh negeri Perlis dari sudut metodologi pendalilannya terhadap fatwa pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologi. Ia penting untuk mengenal pasti metodologi pendalilan yang digunakan dalam pengeluaran fatwa tersebut dan mencari punca perselisihan dengan Fatwa Kebangsaan. Falsafah di sebalik kajian ini adalah interpretif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam mengadaptasi reka bentuk kajian. Manakala kaedah pengumpulan dan analisis data dalam kajian ini adalah dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan dokumen. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan asas metodologi pendalilan terhadap fatwa pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologinya adalah berpaksikan kepada empat sumber asas daripada al-Sunnah iaitu, HR Bukhari (no: 2745) tentang kisah Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas, HR Bukhari (no: 3252) daripada Amru bin Syu’aib, HR Abi Daud (no: 2272) daripada Zayd ibnu Arqam dan HR Bukhari (no: 6508) tentang kisah pertuduhan zina ke atas Juraij. Kesemua dalil ini disokong dan dihuraikan oleh ulama-ulama hadis tentang kesahan dalam pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologinya. Namun begitu, kajian ini mencadangkan agar pentarjihan fuqaha dilakukan dalam penilaian semula terhadap kesemua dalil yang menjadi asas kepada fatwa pensabitan nasab ATST kepada bapa biologi.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The issue of the conviction of the lineage of illegitimate children, abbreviated as ATST (</em>Anak Tak Sah Taraf<em>), is frequently debated in </em>Malaysia<em>. There are two fatwa decisions on the conviction of this ATST lineage: the majority view and the minority view. The first point of view is the National Fatwa, which is a popular opinion, and is supported by several Malaysian states, and which refers to ATST as Abdullah. In terms of the second point of view, the Perlis State Fatwa believes that ATST should be assigned to the biological father. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to look back at the fatwa argument presented by the state of Perlis from the standpoint of its evidence methodology against the ATST lineage conviction fatwa to the biological father. It is critical to identify the evidence methodology used in the fatwa’s issuance and the source of disagreement with the National Fatwa. </em><em>The study’s philosophy is interpretive, as evidenced by the use of a qualitative approach in adapting the study design.</em> <em>Meanwhile, the document content analysis method is used in this study for data collection and analysis.</em> <em>The results of the findings show that the basis of the evidence methodology for the fatwa of the conviction of ATST’s lineage to the biological father is based on four basic sources from al-Sunnah, namely, HR </em>Bukhari<em> (no: 2745) about the story of </em>Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas<em>, HR </em>Bukhari<em> (no: 3252) from </em>Amru bin Syu’aib<em>, HR </em>Abi Daud<em> (no: 2272) from </em>Zayd ibn Arqam<em> and HR </em>Bukhari<em> (no: 6508) about the story of the accusation of adultery against </em>Juraij<em>.</em> <em>All of these arguments are supported and explained by hadith scholars regarding the validity of the ATST lineage conviction to the biological father.</em> <em>Nonetheless, this study suggests that the jurists' conclusions be carried out in re-evaluating all of the evidences that form the basis of the ATST lineage conviction to the biological father.</em></p> MUHAMMAD MUSTAQIM ROSLAN Copyright (c) 2024 MUHAMMAD MUSTAQIM ROSLAN http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/90 Sun, 01 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EKOTERAPI DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM: ANALISIS TERHADAP TEKS-TEKS AL-QURAN http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/91 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Ekoterapi, iaitu pendekatan terapeutik yang melibatkan alam sekitar, semakin popular dalam perubatan moden sebagai kaedah untuk menyokong kesejahteraan mental. Namun, penyelidikan komprehensif yang mengaitkan ekoterapi dengan ajaran Islam masih terhad, terutama dalam menganalisis teks-teks wahyu yang berpotensi selari dengan prinsip ekoterapi. Masalah utama kajian ini ialah kekurangan rujukan yang meneliti panduan wahyu Islam dalam menyokong praktis terapi alam moden. Kajian ini penting bagi menambah kefahaman mengenai keserasian ekoterapi dengan nilai Islam serta memperkenalkan alternatif terapi yang relevan secara budaya untuk masyarakat Muslim. Menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, kajian ini melibatkan analisis teks terhadap ayat-ayat al-Quran yang menyentuh aspek alam serta amalan reflektif seperti <em>tafakkur</em> dan <em>tadabbur</em>. Analisis kandungan digunakan bagi mengidentifikasi prinsip-prinsip ekoterapi yang termaktub dalam wahyu dan bagaimana elemen-elemen ini menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan mental dan spiritual. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa konsep ekoterapi moden selari dengan nilai Islam yang menganjurkan interaksi manusia dengan alam sebagai medium refleksi dan ketenangan jiwa. Ini termasuk amalan tafakkur alam yang dianjurkan dalam al-Quran serta pengalaman Nabi SAW yang melibatkan diri dalam alam sekitar untuk ketenangan batin. Kajian ini menyarankan bahawa ekoterapi berasaskan wahyu dapat menawarkan model penjagaan mental holistik yang sesuai untuk umat Islam. Kajian lanjutan dicadangkan untuk meneliti aplikasi ekoterapi Islam dalam konteks moden, seperti peranan elemen spesifik dalam terapi alam, contohnya, air dan tumbuhan, bagi memperkayakan konsep terapi berasaskan alam dalam tradisi Islam.</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Ecotherapy, a therapeutic approach involving the natural environment, has gained popularity in modern medicine as a method for supporting mental well-being. However, comprehensive research linking ecotherapy with Islamic teachings is limited, particularly in analyzing revelatory texts that potentially align with ecotherapy principles. The primary issue of this study is the lack of references examining Islamic revelations as guidance for modern nature-based therapies. This study is crucial for enhancing understanding of the compatibility between ecotherapy and Islamic values, as well as introducing a culturally relevant therapeutic alternative for the Muslim community. Using qualitative methodology, this study involves textual analysis of Quranic verses and hadiths that touch upon aspects of nature and reflective practices like tafakkur (contemplation) and tadabbur (reflection). Content analysis is employed to identify ecotherapy principles embedded within revelatory texts and how these elements contribute to mental and spiritual well-being. The study finds that modern ecotherapy concepts align with Islamic values that encourage human interaction with nature as a medium for reflection and inner peace. This includes the practice of tafakkur on nature, as encouraged in the Quran, as well as the Prophet’s (SAW) experiences in nature for inner tranquility. This study suggests that revelation-based ecotherapy can offer a holistic mental care model suitable for Muslims. Further studies are recommended to explore the application of Islamic ecotherapy in modern contexts, such as the role of specific natural elements, like water and plants, to enrich nature-based therapeutic concepts within the Islamic tradition.</em></p> DZULFAIDHI HAKIMIE DZULRAIDI , MOHD SOLLEH AB RAZAK, UMAR MUHAMMAD NOOR, MOHD DAHLAN A MALEK Copyright (c) 2024 DZULFAIDHI HAKIMIE DZULRAIDI , MOHD SOLLEH AB RAZAK, UMAR MUHAMMAD NOOR, MOHD DAHLAN A MALEK http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/91 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0800 SAYID SYEKH AL-HADI: TEOLOG DAN REFORMIS http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/87 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Artikel ini membincangkan pemikiran Sayid Syekh al-Hadi (1867-1934) aktivis dan tokoh pembaharu Islam dan penganjur faham pemodenan yang diilhamkan dari pengaruh pan-Islamisme Jamal al-din-Afghani. Ia meneliti aspek pembaharuan yang dikembangkannya terkait dengan tradisi dan pengaruh ortodoksi terhadap fahaman dogmatik, praktik ritual, kesedaran moden, kegunaan akal dan ijtihad, keterbelakangan sosio-politik umat dan pembebasan wanita. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif berasaskan penelitian pustaka dan dokumenter. Penemuan kajian mendapati bahawa Sayid Syekh al-Hadi telah meninggalkan faham dan aspirasi moden yang mengesankan dalam konteks pemurnian Islam dan fikrah pembaharuan yang digerakkan terkait dengan doktrin kalam dan ideologi hukum, prinsip maqasid, falsafah kebudayaan dan kemajuan sosio-politik, etika dan moral yang mengangkat kesedaran tentang nilai-nilai agama yang liberal, progresif dan dinamik.</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The paper discusses the work of Sayid Syekh al-Hadi (1867-1934) the leading advocate of Pan Islamic movement and Islamic reform in Malaya that espoused the modern ideal of Sayid Jamal al-din al-Afghani. It looks into his interpretation of religious ideal that underlie his vision for reform and renewal from his classic column and novels that response to the traditional practice and customs of the Malays. In this regard, it analyzed aspects of reform that he developed which included the contested ideas of religious orthodoxy, dogma and rituals, modern Islamic consciousness, independent reasoning and ijtihad, current socio-political condition and its underdevelopment and womens’ empowerment and liberation. The study is qualitative in nature based on library and documentary survey. The finding shows that al-Hadi had left behind modern impression of reform that aspired to bring socio-political and cultural progress in contemporary society and raising awareness of the higher value of Islamic spirituality and its liberal, progressive and dynamic implications for society.</em></p> AHMAD NABIL AMIR, TASNIM ABDUL RAHMAN Copyright (c) 2024 AHMAD NABIL AMIR, TASNIM ABDUL RAHMAN http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/87 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0800 PENGGUNAAN AL-QIYĀS AL-MANTIQĪ TERHADAP PERBAHASAN SIFAT MA’ĀNĪ MENURUT KITAB TAQRĪB AL-IKHWĀN FI TA’ALLUM ‘AQĀ’ID AL-ĪMĀN http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/89 <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><strong>Pengenalan</strong>: Para ulama Nusantara telah menggunakan ilmu mantik dalam karya-karya akidah bagi memperkukuhkan hujah serta menjelaskan isu-isu akidah kepada masyarakat. Malah, karya mantik terawal ditulis menggunakan bahasa Arab-Melayu Jawi telah muncul sekitar akhir kurun ke- 16 M. Salah seorang ulama yang terkenal ketokohannya dalam ilmu akidah di Patani sekitar abad ke-20 Masihi ialah Abdul Qadir Wangah. Beliau telah menggunakan ilmu mantik berdasarkan kaedah <em>al-Qiyās </em>dalam kitab <em>Taqrīb al-Ikhwān fī Ta'allum 'Aqā’id al-Īmān </em>untuk membuktikan bahawa Allah SWT wajib bersifat dengan segala sifat kesempurnaan dan mustahil bersifat dengan lawannya, di samping menjelaskan hubungan antara sifat wajib bagi Allah SWT dengan kewujudan alam. Ini menunjukkan bahawa ilmu mantik, khususnya kaedah <em>al-Qiyās</em> mempunyai peranan penting dalam perbahasan akidah. Namun begitu, penguasaan ilmu mantik dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu Islam semakin merosot, bahkan turut menghadapi cabaran untuk memahami dan mengaplikasikannya dalam ilmu akidah. <strong>Metode</strong>: Oleh itu, kajian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berdasarkan kaedah perpustakaan. Seterusnya, kaedah pengumpulan data dalam kajian ini adalah menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan analisis data dalam mengenal pasti bentuk <em>al-Qiyās </em>yang digunakan dalam kitab <em>Taqrīb al-Ikhwān fī Ta'allum 'Aqā’id al-Īmān</em>. <strong>Hasil kajian</strong> mendapati bahawa, Ayah Dir Sekam telah menggunakan kedua-dua bentuk <em>al-Qiyās</em> dari aspek <em>al-Sūrah</em> iaitu <em>al-Qiyās</em> <em>al-Iqtirānī</em> dan <em>al-Qiyās</em> <em>istithnā’ī</em>. Kaedah <em>intāj </em>bagi <em>al-Qiyās al-Iqtirānī </em>ialah menggunakan <em>shakl al-Awwal</em> sahaja. Manakala, kaedah <em>intāj </em>bagi <em>al-Qiyās</em> <em>al-Istithnā’ī </em>ialah ternafinya <em>al-Tālī</em> yang akan membawa kepada kesimpulan ternafinya <em>al-Muqaddam</em>. Akhirnya, bentuk <em>al-Qiyās</em> dari aspek <em>al-Maddah</em> yang digunakan oleh Ayah Dir Sekam hanyalah <em>al-Qiyās</em> <em>al-Burhān</em> sahaja. Ini kerana, beliau hanya menggunakan premis yang berbentuk yakin sahaja iaitu <em>al-‘Aqliyyah, al-Hissiyyah</em> dan kesimpulan daripada <em>al-Qiyās</em> yang lain. <strong>Kesimpulan</strong>: Penggunaan <em>al-Qiyās al-Mantiqī</em> dalam perbahasan sifat <em>ma’āni</em> menunjukkan bahawa akal mempunyai kedudukan yang penting dalam ilmu kalam. Malah, akal dianggap sebagai elemen utama yang penting untuk memahami dan menganalisis kaedah pendalilan dalam sifat <em>ma’ānī</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><em>: Religious scholars in the Nusantara region have utilized logic (mantik) in theological literature to consolidate their arguments as well as elucidate and convey theological issues to the community. Early logic-related literary works written in Arabic-Malay Jawi emerged as early as the late 16<sup>th</sup> century. Abdul Qadir Wangah, who was a prominent religious scholar in Patani during the 20<sup>th</sup> century, employed logical methods based on al-Qiyās in his scripture (Taqrīb al-Ikhwān fī Ta’allum ‘Aqā’id al-Īmān) to demonstrate that Allah SWT inherently possess all the attributes of perfection and cannot be associated with imperfection. He also elaborated on the relationship between the mandatory attributes of Allah SWT and the existence of the universe. This highlights the significant role of logic (mantik), particularly the al-Qiyās method, in theological discourse. However, the mastery of logic (mantik) among the Malay-Muslim community has been declining and faces challenges in understanding and applying it in theological studies. <strong>Methodology</strong>: This qualitative study employed the library research method that involved documents for data collection purposes, which were then analysed to identify the forms of al-Qiyās used in the Taqrīb al-Ikhwān fī Ta’allum ‘Aqā’id al-Īmān scripture. <strong>Findings</strong>: The findings revealed that Ayah Dir Sekam had employed both forms of al-Qiyās based on the al-Sūrah aspect, namely al-Qiyās al-Iqtirānī and al-Qiyās istithnā’ī. The deduction (intāj) method for al-Qiyās al-Iqtirānī exclusively involved the shakl al-Awwal, whereas for al-Qiyās al-Istithnā’ī, it involved the ‘negating or denying the subequent’ (al-Tālī) method, leading to the conclusion of ‘negating or denying the antecedent’ (al-Muqaddam). Finally, as to the type of al-Qiyās, Ayah Dir Sekam solely employed the al-Qiyās al-Burhān method based on the al-Maddah aspect. This is because he only utilized premises that were definitive or certain, namely those based on rational evidence (al-‘Aqliyyah), empirical observation (al-Hissiyyah), and conclusions derived from other forms of al-Qiyās. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The use of logical analogy (al-Qiyās al-Mantiqī) when discussing ma’āni attributes underscores the significance of intellect (‘aql) in Islamic theology (‘ilm al-Kalām). Intellect is considered as a fundamental element in understanding and analysing the methods determining or authenticating religious decrees (dalil) in relation to ma’āni attributes.</em></p> NUR SHAZWANI AHMAD FADZLI, ENGKU IBRAHIM ENGKU WOK ZIN, MOHD SAFRI ALI Copyright (c) 2024 NUR SHAZWANI AHMAD FADZLI, ENGKU IBRAHIM ENGKU WOK ZIN, MOHD SAFRI ALI http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/89 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0800