Tinjauan Terhadap Konsep Kemukjizatan Al-Quran Menurut Pandangan Ulama

[The Concept Of The Miracle Of Al-Quran According To Views Of The Islamic Scholar : A Review]


  • Wan Helmy Shahriman Wan Ahmad Universiti Teknologi MARA


Al-Quran, mukjizat, kemukjizatan al-Quran, ulama.


The miracles of the Prophet Muhammad SAW have their own specialization compared to the miracles of the other Prophets. All the previous miracles were limited by space and time which were only shown to certain people and certain times only. While the miracles of the Qur'an are universal and eternal which applies to all mankind and the period of time until the end of time. This is because, the Qur'an is the greatest miracle of all the miracles given by Allah SWT. to the previous Prophets and to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. alone. Al-Quran al-Karim as the greatest miracle among the miracles given to him by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. in the form of spiritual miracles as well as being rational and permanent at all times. This paper attempts to review and analyze the views of the scholars ‘ulum al-Quran on the topic of miracles of the Qur’an in terms of definition, classification and aspects related to the miracles of the Qur’an. The author attempts to collect, organize, analyze and process the views of scholars critically on discussions that touch on the miracles in general and the miracles of the Qur'an in particular. The results of the author's observations found that the relevant discussion of the concept of miracles among scholars has classified the concept of miracles in general into miracles of hissi and miracles of ma'nawi. Next, the focus of the scholars' discussion on the division of the miraculous aspects of the Qur'an focuses on the miracles of language, the Shariah aspect, the news of the supernatural and the aspects of the scientific miracle.

 Mukjizat Nabi Muhammad SAW memiliki pengkhususan tersendiri berbanding dengan mukjizat Nabi-Nabi lainnya. Semua mukjizat sebelumnya dibatasi oleh ruang dan waktu yang hanya diperlihatkan kepada umat tertentu dan masa tertentu sahaja. Sedangkan mukjizat al-Quran bersifat universal dan abadi yang berlaku untuk semua umat manusia dan tempoh masanya sampai akhir zaman. Hal ini kerana, al-Quran adalah sebagai mukjizat terbesar dari semua mukjizat-mukjizat yang diberikan Allah SWT. kepada para Nabi sebelumnya dan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. sendiri. Al-Quran al-Karim sebagai mukjizat terbesar di antara mukjizat-mukjizat yang diberikan kepadanya Nabi Muhammad SAW. berupa mukjizat ruhiyyah serta bersifat rasional dan kekal sepanjang masa. Penulisan ini cuba meninjau dan menganalisis pandangan para ulama ‘ulum al-Quran terhadap topik mukjizat al-Quran dari sudut definisi, klasifikasi serta aspek-aspek yang berkait dengan kemukjizatan al-Quran. Penulis cuba mengumpul, menyusun, menganalisis dan mengolah pandangan-pandangan ulama secara kritis terhadap perbincangan yang menyentuh kemukjizatan secara umum dan kemukjizatan al-Quran secara khusus. Hasil dari pemerhatian penulis mendapati bahawa perbincangan berkaitan tentang konsep kemukjizatan ini dikalangan ulama telah mengklasifikasi konsep kemukjizatan secara umum kepada mukjizat hissi dan mukjizat ma‘nawi. Seterusnya penumpuan perbincangan ulama terhadap pembahagian aspek-aspek kemukjizatan al-Quran banyak tertumpu kepada kemukjizatan bahasa, aspek Syariah, perkhabaran perkara ghaib dan aspek kemukjizatan saintifik.


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How to Cite

Wan Ahmad, W. H. S. (2021). Tinjauan Terhadap Konsep Kemukjizatan Al-Quran Menurut Pandangan Ulama : [The Concept Of The Miracle Of Al-Quran According To Views Of The Islamic Scholar : A Review]. KQT EJurnal, 1(1), 96–107. Retrieved from http://ejurnal.kqt.edu.my/index.php/kqt-ojs/article/view/16


